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 Final project report: evaluation of Resource Efficiency Environmental Forum website and seminars. Volume 1 – Main body of report (Version 2) (2005) Resource Efficiency Environmental Forum (REEF), a web based club, focused on topics such as environmental management, waste and energy management. It also aimed to provide a programme of quarterly sem...
 Review of West Lothian Strategic Action Plan: final report to Scottish Enterprise Edinburgh and Lothian (2005) West Lothian Strategic Action Plan (WLSAP) aimed to provide a three-year programme of actions to help the West Lothian economy ‘back on the growth track’. The evaluation aimed to provide an interim th...
 Review of Women’s One-to-One and Group Business Mentoring programme (2005) The Women in Business (WIB) Mentoring Programme supports female-led businesses and act as a catalyst to achieving growth and development. It is based on the premise that providing mentoring support to...
 Final external evaluation of Glasgow’s Business Efficiency Initiative and Lean Management Thinking (2005) Glasgow’s Business Efficiency Initiative (GBEI) and Lean Management Thinking (LMT) includes the following programmes: Lean Management Thinking (LMT); Innovation and New Product Development (NPD); and ...
 Evaluation of the New Futures Fund initiative (2005) The New Futures Fund (NFF) takes a holistic approach to employability enhancement, aiming to assist the most disadvantaged target client groups, furthest removed from the labour market, to develop the...
 Evaluation of the Scottish Enterprise Ayrshire Sustainable Environment Programme (2004) SE Ayrshire’s Sustainable Environment Programme aimed to meet SE Targets through the development and running of the Ayrshire Environmental Management Group (AEMG) . The evaluation aimed to consider: p...
 Evaluation of the SEFV Satellite Broadband Pilot Project (2004) The SEFV Satellite Broadband Pilot Project aimed to provide satellite broadband connectivity to businesses in rural Stirlingshire where conventional broadband services (such as ASDL or cable) were una...
 Interim evaluation of the Environmental Services Programme 2002-2004: report (2004) The Scottish Enterprise Forth Valley (SEFV) 2002-2004 Environmental Service programme aimed to encourage resource efficiency in businesses, to generate improved business performance with sustainable d...
 Area regeneration in Hawick and Eyemouth: project evaluation and economic impact - a final report to Scottish Borders Council. Version 1.0 (2004) The Hawick Regeneration Initiative (The Hawick Partnership) and Eyemouth East Berwickshire Partnership (EEBP), Objective 2 funded area projects, aimed to build community confidence and capacity, and h...
 Ayrshire Key Fund: evaluation report (2004) The Ayrshire Key Fund aimed to encourage the growth of community based organisations and the contribution that they make to regeneration activities, by improving access to European Structural Funds. T...
 Evaluation of Positive Futures: report to Glasgow Inclusiveness Strategy Group (2003) The Positive Futures ‘inclusiveness project’ aimed to establish strategic, operational and funding partnerships between the key agencies that engage with young people and provide key worker support th...
 The Digital Champions Project: a review (2003) The Digital Champions project was set up to tackle Scotland’s increasing digital divide (the social divide between those with access to computers and the Internet and those without), specifically targ...
 Evaluation of entrepreneurship event for disabled people (2003) The conference, on 20th December 2003, aimed to demonstrate SE and Careers Scotland’s commitment and support for enterprise for all people in Scotland with a disability. The evaluation summarised feed...
 Farm Venture evaluation (2003) The Farm Venture project aimed to assist groups of farmers develop ideas from which new ventures could be established on a collaborative basis in order to: provide the participants with another source...
 Interim evaluation of the Dumfries and Galloway Community Regeneration Fund (2003) The Community Regeneration Fund aimed to rebuild confidence within local communities after the Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) outbreak and to initiate lasting processes of community economic development...
 Evaluation of Learning and Enterprise Partnership: final report (2003) The Get into Enterprise (GiE) programme was used in Dumfries and Galloway to rekindle the spirit of enterprise in the community, following the outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease. The evaluation aimed ...
 Report on an evaluation of five Learning Centres (2003) The Learning Centres aimed to increase participation in and widen access to lifelong learning in local, rural communities. The evaluation aimed to ascertain: how funding was spent and what has been ga...
 Developing Get Ready for Work in rural areas (2003) Get Ready for Work (GRfW) aimed to provide training and additional support to young people who otherwise ‘would be unable to access other training, learning or employment opportunities’ in Lanarkshire...
 Scottish Enterprise’s contribution to economic inclusion: final report (2003) Scottish Enterprise’s contribution to economic inclusion aimed to narrow the gap between the Scottish and other comparative economies; and spread the benefits of growth. The evaluation aimed to genera...
 Ex-post evaluation of the Lowland Scotland LEADER II Community Initiative: final report (2001) The Lowland Scotland LEADER II programme aimed to promote local development and prioritise activities that met the LEADER II criteria of innovation, demonstrable and transferable. The evaluation aimed...